onion,red sweater,slow your horses,ugly sweater,big red mountain,no,happy birthday,teacher,i wish i wasn't 11,i,feeling sick inside,apple,germs,clown sweater arms,birthday,red mountain,only it's too late,school,distance,gross sweater,i wish i wasn’t 11,only its too late,sylvia saldivar,the 3 year old in me,dumb,rings in a tree,don’t feel eleven,eleven,disgusting,idk,numbers,blob of wool,ages,you,phyllis lopez,not mine not mine!!,nonobobboboboobobobo,today i wish i 102,likearunaway balloon,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,,teacher doesn't,use for a jump rope,bappel,i d k,you don't feel 11,red and ole,several birthdaya,worst birthday ever,red and old,not mine,teacher doesn’t ??,stupid idk,stupid,, 3, 2, 1!,years add on to you,calm down rachel! :),orange,onionhttps:/,now rachel that’s en,cry likeur 3thats ok,11,10,9,8,7...,only it’s too late.,birthday red sweater,anything but eleven,rattling inside me,‘only it’s too late’,plastic buttons,like a waterfall,full of germs that a,cottage cheese smell,you don’t feel 11,pineapple,wish i was 102,10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,big red mountain.,mrs. price,previous years of,like a big red mount,onion sweater,i’m eleven today.,help me,wanted to be 102.,don’t want to be 11.,not mine, not mine..,slow your horses,,repeating eleven,the red sweater,expect to feel 11,what words or images,