a challenge set for yourself,something you want to accomplish,soccer,⊂_ヽ   \\ _    \( •_•) ᶠ     ,something to achieve,try do something possible,our thing that we want to accomplish,better grades,challenging yourself,something that you push yourself to do.,i think of setting a goal for myself,goal setting,i think of ideas to help me do things,something u set for yourself,something you are trying to achieve,try to achive something possible,yet,(o_o),never give up,strong thinking,self care,personal,something you try to achieve,something i have to accomplish,the olympics,challenge,something were not go at,something you want to work on and acheiv,a challenge that you set for your self.,a challenge i need to do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),something that you want to acheive,oh,something that you want to achieve in a,making it work,something i need to acomplish,at least getting good grades in all hour,hard working,being consistent on taking notes,planning to better yourself,relax and follow directions.,something i want to acomplish,calleng yourself and dont give,something that can benefit you later,i see like setting goals for yourselves,something that you wanna achieve,acheive,something that you work for,a challenge you want to accomplish,better grades in mathe,helping yourself raise,a challenge has come to me,soccer goal,improve on yourself,a thing you want to have or do,a challenge sat for yourself,i think of setting goals for me in life,acomplish,i think of trying to get bettr at omethi,a challenge to set for yourself,set a challenge for yourself,a challenge that is set to acheive,a challenge set for yourself :),make a goal to use,or trying to hep yourself,a way to learn about actions toward this,something you want to do,rdy6 nuj],achieving something,making a plan then sticking to that plan,to push yourself,something to look foward to,this mugg empty yeet,(✧ᴥ✧),(ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ),to try to make your life standards go u,when you achieve something ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ,something that you have to acomplish,something to strive for,