be a good listener,be a bucket filler,help others,be good,be a good friend.,be a good friend,take turns,be careful,be kind,be kind to others,be a good sport,by nice to people,be nice,be a good liserner,always be nice!!!!!!,be kin,to help outhers,f,to help who cant rea,being kind,be a good sport.,dont be a bully,to rock 3 grade,play,don't bully,open the door,to dance thro the da,be,nice,be a good lisener,don,t be a bully,be a good helper,to be nice,be a good sport!,raze your hand,to lisin more,be helpful,be carful,help out,never be mean,ti not be mean,nise,don't be a bully.,to rock 3d grade,by nice to people.,be kind to others.,