don't show your password or say it.,never accept a random friend request,don't talk to a stranger.,don't share your personal information.,do not share valuable information,never share your password,do not tell anybody your pasword,do not text someone you dont know,don't friend somebpody you dont know,never be man to someone you dont know,dont text someone you dont no,dont belive evry thing on the internet.,dont put your full name,don't share personal information.,dont fall for free stuff on the internet,do not share yourn password!,never make fake news about stuff,do not right inapropreate things,don't share phone numbers online,dont show youre name,never use your phone while it charging,never trust hacking sites,never trust srangers,dont show your password to anyone,don't click on wedsites,dont share where you live,never listen to an ad,don't talk to strangers on the internet,dont put your informational stuff online,dont say your full name,never trust john doe on roblox,be safe with passwords.,never answer a stranger,never give your password to a scamer,dont go to websites that dont say secure,don't give away your house number.,don't share your street number,always trust google,dont hack,dont send pictures to people,never trust siri,don't show your face,don't be friends with a smooth talker,don't show your password or say it,do not tell a stranger your information,dont get scamed,keep important information to yourself,don't say your password out loud,don't believe in stuff on wikipedia.,never talk to a person you don't now,never go in a strangers car,dont text people you dont know,dont put your birth,dont talk to stranger,dont share your birth date],dont shareb your phone number,never type in inappropriate messages.,don't share your real name.,don't walk home by you self,never trust hackers with viruses,never be mean to someone you dont know,don't give your own info to others,dont share phone numbers,to not to talk to strangers online ever.,never go to mall and lose your parnets,don`t tell people your secrets,dont win a free 1 million,dont text someone you dont know.,