no,stealing,being meen,mean coments,macking fun of people,capturing people,being very mean,picking on them,takeing,taking stuff,pushing pepole,be rood,hurting feelings,poshing people,it means triping people.,being meen topepol,calling them names like ugly,:(,pick on them,bad boy,doing bad stuff,taking iunch,tanking someones money,coppying pepole,don,t like it,being mean to people,hitting,one upin,mocking people with disabilities,beating them up,being a bad friend,calling pepole names,saying mean words,picking on pepole,hiting pepole,hacker,hiting people,talking back,making people feel excluded,punching someone in the face,taking there money,lieing,mean,it when you get beat up,mocking people,macking peopel uncmftebl,pushing people,hiting pepol,calling people names,