not completely free, still suffering,white supremacy is still real.,the first step in bonding both races,improve on relationships with all races,two heads are better than one,you can use the life advice,common labor is still looked down upon,indicates or states for social equality,some still won't cast their bucket down.,we are equal but in a way still divided,still need more change to happen,people dont take advantage...,it makes african americans more free.,it recognizes the negro race...,diversity is key,white supermacy is still going on,why supermacy is still continuing today,it was the start education for blacks,supports the african american community,equality is not yet established fully,they must start their life on the bottom,history repeats,reveals the void within communities,acceptance of different races is key,show the opposite shift to education,social equality among all races.,no one can start life on the top,to give justice & equality to all,white supremacy is still real,proves why we should educate ourselves,it wanted to better people's education,represents division of goals of races,together there can be a bigger outcome,do not agitate for social equality,identifies separation of race by careers,african americans are doubted,make people earn an education,