environment protection,to prevent species extinction,for a more livable world,to live a healthy life,3r,to enjoy our planet for many more years,reduces air and water pollution,we create a healthier planet,protect earth for our future generations,doğal kaynaklarımızı korumak için,doğanın nefes alması için,we convert our waste into something new,helps reduce the amount of waste,gelecek nesillere daha iyi bir dünya,excited,i'm so excited,for a better life,to prevent the global warming,safe for animals, plants and human,to have a cleaner and healthier planet,the people of the earth will be safe,3r (azalt-yeniden kullan-geri dönüştür),adds years of life to the planet,recycling plastics,yes,reduces the human footprint,helps keep kur planet darth clean,helps keep our planet earth clean.,can recover materiale that arę deposited,energy saving,environmental protection,prevent global warmimg,because it can keep nature clean & green,conserves natural resources,reduces waste sent to landfills,saving naturals resources,healthy life,the 3d step of environment protection,better living conditions,stand for your planet!,energy-saving,