harry potter,calm,under control,teamwork,be respectful! :3,appropriate,walking,work as a team,be smart with tech,quiet,no shufing,safe,feel like home,calm;;;;;;;;;;;,huskies,thanks type a nother,sopourtfull,cool,be responsible,creative,no runing,approprite,walk only,be quiet,stay safe,happy enviorment,save,for as a team,be safe,no shuffing,all about books,harry poter,be smart,suportiv,apporpit,follow the rules,we need to be safe!!,be resectful,calm..ish,have fun,calaboration,we need to be calm,good digital citizen,no running,claboration,be respectful,use gifts appropreat,we need to read,self controll,walk,listen!,work together,take care of books,we need to be happy,