to be a rocks star you need to be kind,respectful, power of one, compation kind,it means to be respectful, power of one,,to be the best you can be,be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,you need to know about the power of one,,kind,be kind and caring,rocks means to me ,power of one,kind!!!,it means to be nice!!!!!!!,to be nice,you can be a rocks star by being safe!!!,to be a rocks star you need to be,be awesome!,to show rocks you aols need to be safe.,the power of one, compassion, kindness,,you must be nice and kind to every one:),have power of one to classmates,teachers,yea,to be responsible and kind and safe,you need show the rocks.,you must mack the world a beter place!,to be the best that you can be when no,everything.,you have to be nice sweet and happyyyyy.,to by helpful and caring.,be a great person and show your best!!!!,to be anest,respectful, power of one,,to make people happy,respectful responsible and safe kind,be a good person to be around others!!!!,you should show the power of one.,to be respectful,respectful responsible and safe,being a rock star is to be nice and kind,to be a rockstar follow the golden rules,it means you can be the best you can be.,to show rocks you need to be respectful.,to be the best person you can be.,to be the best kid you can be.,you have to be polite, nice and friendly,it means to be the best kid you can be.,you also need to be respectful,,it means to be on your top behavior.,you have to be kind and respectful,being a rocks means being kind to others,doing the right thing,it means that you are nice, compashinent,to be the best,be at the right place at the right time,to be a rocks student follow rocks rules,you must be respectful,responsible, use,respecetful and responseable,to be a good student.,to follow the rules when nobody sees you,to be kind and a rocks star!!,it means that your doing it everywhere.,yes,