give your best,ask questions,movie in head,focus,pick a good book,don't get off task,sticky notes,stay on task,finish strong,make predictions,read,practice,never give up,set goals for you,fe,make connections,keep practicing,summarize paragraphs,make infrences,make a summary,make evalutions,practic,keep going,don't give up,green yellow red,finish stronge,foucous attention,focus on your book.,information,friend free zone,keep practicing it,keep practice,read more,evidence from text,monitor compression,set goals,monitor comprehensio,ask q. after each ch,movie in strong,ask ques. to y,keep on trying,make evaluations,give good answer,write about the boo,try hard,set a goal,dont give up,ask a friend,use stick note,strategies fluency,learn from mistakes,avoid distractions,no distractions,no distraction,distraction-free,where to sit,pick a good fit book,make good choices,don't sit near frien,think,do t si,you practice to get,avoid destructions,stay focused,paying attention,asking questions,practicemakesperfect,summarize,predictions,picture the sene,find a quiet place,green, yellow, red,preston,pick a good spot,track your reading,reread words,use stick notes,don't get distracted,mental image,post-it notes,give your best!!!!,distracionsgoodplace,have fun with your r,don't fake read,