clear out the message of the lecture,take-home messages,timing of lecture important,concepts,focus on students knowledge construction,knowledge structure,investigate new teaching tools,have a message!,activate prior knowledge,new technology in lecturing,more interesting elements to lecturing,terminology,clear concise messages + interaction,give students clear message,have variety in teaching methods,too much lecturing,tips how to activate students,social learning is interesting,mental activation without physical tasks,use of prematerial,interaction is important,how to improve lectures,cases in the beginning,illustrative examples and problems,learner's role @ conceptual construction,understand more fundamental concepts,lecture can be wide learning experience,using lectures for various purposes,start with cases,present the grain, eliminate the straw.,interesting, interaction,,keep trying to increase interactions.,activation is important,how to activate between the lectures,a coherent knowledge structure,know your message,environment with small activating tasks,fundamental aspects of contens,approaches to learning,understanding of fundamental concepts,give a clear take-home message.,use lectures to frame the content.,important with take home messages,clear take-home messages (prof. lehtin,take-home-messages,individual assignments + clear messages,students dealing with questions,material available before lecture,start lecture with a case.,combination of various methods,case studies and examples,connect prior knowledge to new stuff,clear take-home messages,using other materials between lectures,importance of clear messages,instead of lectures, use books,lectures as a tool for understanding,activation tasks,home take messages,simple message-to-take-home for each lec,thinking about lecturing in a new way,use motivating and triggering elements,students construct their own knowledge,don't base teaching only on lecturing,lectures can be active without action,try new techniques,timimg,timing,timing of lecture is important,mental activation,shorten the lecturing hour and info load,multiple short tasks,activating the mindset,videos before lectures,use modern technologies and manage time,technologies can support lectures,activation in lecturing,arrange lectures only if it is necessary,activate students,a pedagogical sight to teaching,modern tech allows anonymous questions,the activation examples were valuable.,interest elements to lecturing,process of lecturing in different ways,how to time lectures to learning process,pro/cons of lectures, useful suggestions,beging with a case or practical problem,different types of learning,increasing interactions,ways to improve lecturing,activation is not always needed,interaction enhances learning,it´s possible to activate students,lecturing for difficult concepts,learning process,approaches,student activation during lectures,different learning methods,it is important to plan the lecture well,learning the expert culture,always have a take home message,use various types of lecturing approache,supports students active learning,clear messages and use cases/problems,lecturing with clarified content,each lecture should have a clear aim,lecture series as chain of key messages,increasing interaction,emphasize key points, activate students,clear aim and different learning methods,mental activation is often enough,distribute content and materials wisely,you really need to plan carefully,nice ideas for activities,costruction process,didactical sequence!,importance and criticism of lecturing,didactic portrayal of knwldge structure,methodological versatility - right tools,didactic sequence - prior connection&aim,more motivating elements to lecturing,versatility,what a lecture shouldn't be,combining methods wisely,how we learn,using modern technology in lecturing,intensifying interaction,clear out he message of the lecture,how adults learn,alternatives to long lecture series,tips to include technology in a new way,studying = immersion in expert culture,clarify the purpose of each lecture,use casestudies & real research problems,questions, tasks discussion,activate and build on prior knowledge,students,clear aims, helping students anticipate,lectures are interaction,utilize casestudies or show the problems,clear take-home-messages,rethinking lecturing,3tools-timing,clear message,interaction,social element of teaching is important,introduce problem, activating, summary,active learning is possible in lectures,mental activation is enough,less is more.,use examples,take-home message!,interesting cases and examples,problem-raising at the beginning,clear message,being aware of knowledge construction,a lecture should have a purpose,start a lesson with practical case study,increase interaction,activate student mentally,rethink of possibilities,improve quality of lecturing,improve suitability of lecturing,students should be active listeners,take home message,highlight the main points,tips to better interaction,