active,lecturing supports student learning,restructuring your knowledge structures,social,passive,interesting,combining knowledge,combine existing and new knowledge,active interpretation,complex process,passive-active-social,knowledge restructuring,social learning,basic knowledge,needs activating,combining knowledge with skills,part of learning,comfortable,complex,good part of learning when combined,enriching students' knowledge and skills,paradigm shift,combining learning methods,collective learning,lectures can be activating,restructuring knowledge,be active, share, combine,active learning, restructure knowledge,interaction btw new and old knowledge,models interesting, support lecturing,complex learning processes present,cognitive tools for knowledge culture,making the previous knowledge visible,activate different learning approaches,showcasing thinking about problems,inspire students to seek more knowledge,mostly active, conscious learning.,learning by lecturing is active,social dimension is very important.,basis for new information acquisition,eye contact,activate with purpose,social:lecture =return to primary school,different types of learner,all 3 learning models are valuable,combining existing and new knowledge,restructuring your knowlege,comceptional construction,understand content in a critical manner,encourage active learning,activating,critical thinking,long term learning,expert culture,wide skills,network connections,rights to do many things,departure from spoon-feeding lectures,lecturing: passive, active & social,individual characters & learning history,learner makes use of manifold models,is language-learning really passive?,expert cultures are an interesting idea,engagement,helps develop and construct knowledge,story-telling for active listeners,non-interactive,input comes from outside,radical restructuring,active learning,knowledge culture,passive and active strategies,opportunity for inspiration,passive learning transforms into active,shaping existing knowledge and learner,interesting social combining knowledge,new information,combining existing and new information,passive, active and social process,gradual development,communities of practice,simultaneously in different ways,challenge of prior knowledge structures,university as a knowledge culture,passive mind,active mind,participating in knowledge culture,passive, but we can make it interactive.,engaging and interest,do not be boring. know your subject!,a lecture invites to the expert culture,is a combination of 3 theories optimal?,restructuring student knowdlge structure,mixed interactive learning,entrepreneurial method in lecturing,passive learning and mind,becoming part of an academic culture,support active learning,active/passive mind models interesting!,development relates to experiences,learner can also think subject further,mixture of knowledge and skills,more complex than thought,active learning is cool,collaborating,change the ways to see the world,integrates existing and new knowlgde,add new knowledge & restructuring it,supports students active learning,active way of learning,lectures give new ideas,social learning event,reconstruction of knowledge,easy access to new topic,not only enriching but restructuring,stages,development,culturisation into expert culture,black slate,personal responsibility,just one tool tob support learning,inspiring,complex field,integrating students,inviting into a culture a good point,previous knowledge like brick?,previous knowledge like a brick?,a tool in sharing lecturer's enthusiasm,enthusiastically inspiring new ideas,participate actively in learning process,supporting learning process,offering contextual sources, materials,providing new meaning to the environment,inclusion to the expert culture,passive - active - social,restructuring of knowledge as a goal,active process,social immersion in expert cultures,at worst, uncritical & passive learning,supports both active & passive learning,introducing new dimensions of knowledge,not for teaching practical skills,lecturing is a passive learning approach,lecturing can combine different ways,create interaction in the class,support student learning,becoming part of the knowledge culture,welcoming to the knowledge culture,motivated to motivate,conscious learning,unconscious learning,re-structuring,individual and social process,individual and social learning,adding new knowledge to existing,integration to scientific society,contributing to all types of learning,activating lectures - active learning,sharing knowledge with large masses,good lecturing activate learning,the lecturer acts a facilitator,evoke interest,possibility for critical discussion,lectures are a way of being present,enhancing existing knowledge structure,introducing new knowledge and culture,learning by experiencing the expert,lecturing opens the doors for learning,scalling up active learning,up to date learning,integration,