bee good,do the cst,multiplcation,read more,review what you know,circleandunderline,do 50 50,work over the week,read more,the,do multiplcation,qeustions matter,work over the week,learn more,stutdy,study,practice my math,underline word,review what i know,check my pages alot,listen to theteacher,work really hard,go back and check,math,do all of your work,be confident,sleep and rest,re-check,check my math pages,read more and more,practice your math:p,practise my math,do my best cst,check all my answers,do the work,show your work,i will study,review math page now,listen better,be cool,belive in your self,division,pracctice and rest,i would study more,follow instructions,don't cheat,lesten during class,check every answer.,study over the week,at least get 700n2,review the pages now,pracrice your work,study study study,do th cst redy good,study over weekend,i would studdy!!!!!!,look back,cheak every answer,study super hard,be careful go back,every ? matters,ask for help,listen to teacher,everyquestionmatters,try learning more,study more,practice you sheet!!,