23 billion shoes are produced each year,shoes take 1000 years to decompose.,shoes take 1000 years to decompose,how much the process pollutes,in usa people purchase 3 pairs in year,shoes are almost impossible to recycle,sneakers pollute our planet a lot,united states buys the most sneakers,the production of shoes acounts for a fi,that sneakers produce same o2 as66m cars,sneakers pollute the planet.,the production of shoes creates emission,sneakers are really unrecycleable-david,large production of co2,a lot of co2 is released into the atmosp,how the shoes are made,typical snickers consist of 65 pieces,that production of shoes is dangerous,the amount of pollution sneakers produce,a shoe is made of 65 different materials,that the assambly of a tipical sneaker/r,a sneaker requires 360+ steps,sneakers pollute a lot,the sneaker industry's carbon emissions.,the sneaker pollute,the fact of how much the process pollute,sneakers produce 313 million tons of co2,we can do something to change situation.,the anatomy of snickers,yes,no,the sneakers pollute more than cars,sneakers generate 313million tons of co2,