abolish slavery,rebuild economy; settle tensions,rebuild a new society along the north,providing new infrastructure, no slaves,reconstruction,sustaining the economy,,to recover the economy,to better and build up the economy.,freed the slavery,property,social and political reconstruction,to free the slaves,top abolish slavery,assimilation to life without slavery,civilized order,rights and protections for freedmen,secure indépendance,establish an indépendant free nation,proper reform, systematic laws,make money and end slavery,reconstruction and benefits,establish freedom,eliminate slavery,plantation; make money; control slaves,plantation; make money; end slavery,rebuild the economy,reconstruction after the war,make money like they did before the war,bring south states back into the union,reduce tension,to join the union ways,reconstruction & sustaining the economy,keeping slavery,redesign the country as a free state,to rebuild the a new united states,reconstruction and benifits,repression of slavory,