do not procrastinate,take your time and take some breaks,set aside time each day for work,put assignment dates in phone calendar,don't procrastinate,do no procrastinate,take your time do it right.,none,avoid procrastination,listen to music with no lyrics to focus!,finish work as soon as you get it,don't overthink,don't fall behind, do work asap,be open to a different style of learning,double check and stay on top of the work,check canvas+work on assignmentseveryday,logging into canvas right after school,remember to pace yourself & take breaks,study in sessions,manage time,don't stress yourself out, take time 4 u,don't be afraid to ask for help,do stretches if you sit for too long,drink water and have snacks when needed,make sure to read before answering,keep your notifacations on,don't stress about loading screens,check due dates at beginning of week,read all modules pages don't skip,plan out your week and allocate time,finish your work early,i have a planner, i write all my info in,don't wait till the last minute,having a good source of wifi is good,do not work so hard that you burn out,check on canvas/class blog every day,ask the professor whenever i'm stuck,make sure to check all the deadlines,make a lot of plans ahead,organization!,be specific with planning your time,study with friends,turn on canvas notifications,having a schedule,keep pace and ask questions immediately,print the year outlines for all classes,don’t procrastinate,view your class assignments frequently!,read syllabuses the first day of class,stay focused,every other day after work,plan out your work,get a planner,i plan to check for updates after my 3rd,ask questions,self discipline,it requires better time management,don't get distracted,try to do your work as soon as you can,manage your time,study with friend,turn off all your technology devices,todoist: a task manager helps organize,