Safe spaces for conversation,Listening,People of color in leadership roles,Amplify Black voices,Access to Educational Resources,training for staff on anti-racism,Elevating community voices,Fact checking,implicit bias training,Curriculum Revision,education,end relationships with local police,Highlight online courses on racism in US,Flexibility,Making civic engagement easier,partnerships,providing more mental health resources,mentorship,Fact Checking,facilitate community-based discussions,facilitate anti-racism curriculum,Promote voting rights and education,Connect community members to each other,מהי רמת חיים סבירה,offer work space/supplies for local orgs,consider our names/representations,List of books/films/resources,more partnerships with community members,Anti-Racism trainings,moral values can be insisted,promote diversity within organizations,advocate for staff volunteering,make anti-racism visible work of library,advocate for colleagues,connect programming to city council,resources for staff to talk about race,Sharing credible resources,participatory democracy,Hard conversations,Moral education can add moral values,Moral application support activist!,myth bust and fact check,more outreach to community organizations,Recommended reading lists,Host local conversations,addressing the digital divid,listening,Host community discussions,broadcast community events,safe spaces for conversation,fund antiracist organizations and people,Education,defend privacy,food/water supplies,Raising up community voices,Meeting spaces,Invite speakers to present,investing in the community,amplify black voices,auditing the materials collection,conversations,accountability of management,Workshops and Programs,a safe/ neutral place to share dialogue,active listening,normalize groups perceived as radical,facilitating discussion,ally,