respect nature,save water,behaive nicely,throw rubbish in a bin,walk at marked places only,don't make fire and barbecue in field,travel locally,save nature,protect nature,keep nature, mountains and rivers clean,don't pollute,don't light fire,don't throw rubbish in rivers,to be thankful,respect tradition,avoid taking food more than you eat,travel less by plane,use public transport more,reduce plastic,dont drop litter to the ground,respect and encourage the locals,respect local culture,don't leave litters in protected areas,respect protected areas,meet local people and their culture,fly less - avoid co2,use public transport while sightseeing,buy local products,buy local food,take public transport,be responsible,be a green tourist,eat green,search for eco-conscious hotels,don’t order too much food,buy local,conserve where possible,use eco-friendly travel kits,throw rubbish,