reasting!!!!!!!!!!!!,swimming,family time,time with family,easter cool fun!!!,a trip to australia,chocolate eggs,winning tennis! ew:),going to brothers,cereo bay,going to blenhiem.,seeing friends,barthdays yay,having a rest,having fun,going to dunedin,jb having time out,mavora,play computer,piano flat,hanging with friends,kidzone,my birthday party,going on rail trails,ew easter eggs yeah,buying ninjago,ab lachlans birthday,seeing my friends,going to queens park,no school,having a break,having friends over,going to a birthday,choclate eggs!,going to kaka point,mh my operation,tennis tournament ya,easter eggs,yummy chocolate,easter,easter at cromell,playing,jesus died,bunny shot,shoping ya,going to twizal,bunny shoot,going to northisland,mh my birthday,summer school,