wrestling,hunting,archery,baking,traps,knife throwing,identifying plants,camo,brains,camouflage,aim,snare traps,strength,friendly,knife,bow and arrows,lifting,plant identification,trapping,bow and arrow,creative,strong,arrow,peeta good bread,frosting cakes,peeta can throw 100 pound things.,makes good bread,peeta is strong,can lift heavy objects,peeta's strength is that he can lift,knifes,smart, kind,killing,good at finding eatable plants,identifying different plants,archery and strength,bow arrow, strong,bow n arrow,katniss good with bow and arrow,bows and arrows, weights, camouflage.,katniss's strength is the bow and arrow.,katniss's archery,peeta's strength,trapping identifying edibale plants,and katniss is good shooter with a bow,peeta's camouflage,nice bread :),to stay alive. peeta is very artictic an,peeta can throw 100 ponds very far,porn=-]}||,katniss's ability- hunting with an arrow,and is very strong.,bow and arrow and wrestling,peeta has strong skill.,katniss: hunting,peeta's abilty- wrestling,petta has camouflage skill.,katniss is good with a bow,throwing bags of flour,lift heavy things and throw them,katniss shoot arrow and waste apple,katniss is strong brave and is driven to,peeta is strong and good at close combat,katniss has a skill is her bow and arrow,katniss can shot a bow very good,peeta's skills is good at throwing,good aim,peeta: lifts and throws heavy things,bow,gathering correct plants,heavy lifting,lifting things up and throwing them.,knife throwing, archery, baking, hunting,peeta is good at lifting heavy items,katniss is good at hunting,hunting for katniss,knotting,notting,there both brave , strong, smart ,,peeta is good at camouflage,camoflough,wrestling bow and arrow knife throwing,lift a 100 pound bag of flour,katniss,camoflouge,peeta = wrestling,climbing trees,knife skill,using a spear,peeta is good with knifes,lifting things,gathering,traping,knot tying,snare,snares/traps,bread,knife throwing bow and arrow,banking,tieing knots,iced cakes,plants,iced the cakes,getting saved by boys with bread,knots,katniss is good at making traps,care,strongiingy,spears,k archery knifes aim p strong wrestling,peeetatatatatatata,archerey knife throwing,snare trpas,cooking,