12,using multiplication,4,1,6,3,what is reading?,7+3+2,5,ways to make 13,6+6,8,10,how many ways to add,all the ways to get,10+2,20,100,2,11+1,8+2+2,13,im a troll sorry,idk,12-0,partial products 12,infinty,10+1+1,ways to make 12,ways you can make 12,21121122,subtract12from0,24,a lot,7+5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,love to eat ham,༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ,1000,120,8+4,4 plus 4 plus 2 plus,with 2 and 3,hi,13-1,9,89,death is great,14,make 12 with three n,johnny johnny yes pa,how many 3s make 12,times,make 12,120-100-8,16,with two numbers,multiplication,4 numbers,my mom beats me,molly=everything,100-88,how many ways make y,i trolled you,how many ways ro 15?,whats 987 times 5435,12 multiplication,i am bored,no,7add3add2,khjgkyjhg,24/2=12,1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1,3 + 3 + 4 + 2,3+44,my nan,f,hit or miss yeah,22,make 15,9+3,ways to make 8,6 +6 to the 8,15,20-8,share 12,18,5261347,1+11,6x2,why do we read,100000,how many ways can yo,10#2,4x8,12+0,meth,2x6,3x4=12,idk wtf,34,hjgfvi87tgjhg76ertdg,3156406226,112,33,hgjkfkhgkjhkhjkhjkjk,30,200,10+212,poo,i don't know,how,11,4+4+4,using addition,10add2,211,{*__*},hvugdfifgudfg,go commit die,12/5,+,3 times 4,mutpcation,ways to mack 12,6x2 and 4x3 thats it,rudy,73,okay boomer,run,de ahy somos,you smell bad,1 times 12,yghk,ckdkmcea,8,7,4,jkhkgkhkgjkhj,7ways,1+1,dunno,ukbbjutydt,nine,12x1,suck ur momma,1212,wan panch!!!!!!,2+1+2+1+2+1+2+1,3 ways to make 12,8+8,11+12/4-2= 12,23,990,6+6=12,hgjkfkhgkjhkhjk,skimming,you are ugly,78,6 x 2,fifthteen=15,uhhhh idk,ways to make 18,10+5-4+1=12,billy billy,ur mom,i hate my mom,8+4=1,40,53,im gae,0+12,why do we read?,i got kicked out of,how to make 12 1234,yee mom gray,1/2,dab,23-12,6 12,65,111,1x12,3x4 1x12 2x6,420-69-339,what's is reading?,6*6,more than 12,sos,vu yd5x76cfyvgubhiv7,i like bacon,square root of 144,✌️,1002,822,11111,make 2,using divition,15-3,12x1, 3x4, 6x2,,gsfexbcvsgdf,which 2 numbers make,19,-,5 5 2,12/8,utsr6yjej6 664z 45 4,900,4+3+5,use pictures to show,1,000,000,infinity,i like cats and pie,3x4,20 -8,jbhbjn,hit or miss,72=21,🤯,7+1+4,lol,with boone,