Groath,To learn,$,To inspire,world change,MUSIC,pour gagner de pizza,I love to learn,To make a difference,To change lives,Snacks,Big big money,To empower students,All students matter,To love kids,music,groath,Social Justice,To share my passion,Challenging,Love kids,For understanding,Better the world,to empower,To coach,Summer!,learn growth share,for da $,Change world,Groath groath groath,To pass on the torch,To give opportunity,swag bags,Share what I love,inspire,social justice,Inspire,Improve the world,To give,Hope,Inspire musicians,Community,summer,Passion of equality,To save lives,share,Life,stay young,2 inspire future gen,To be inclusive,Spread love learning,create music,Impact,Kids rock,FOR DA GERFF!,